The history of MaMuT began in 2004, when it didn’t have this name yet. Up until 2013 there was only the MaMuT and no MaMuT2, which we launched that year.
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The Camp of Mathematical Amusements (translated and abbreviated MaMuT) is a summer vacation camp, where 10-15 year old students with outstanding abilities are invited. Their talents are measured via nationally acclaimed mathematics competitions, based on which they can receive an invitation.
The primary goal of the camp is to offer a possibility for mathematically gifted children, most of whom do not frequent a school with a mathematically specialized curriculum, to meet with their intellectual peers, to receive a high quality education and also have a good time independent of the mathematical contents. Making all this possible can mean a great boost in the development of their talents. A statement supported by the examples of many previous participants.
In the camp, the students participate in mathematical programs lead by academically acclaimed teachers every day. The teachers share a common belief in the discovery-based teaching of mathematics, which is also reflected in their programs.
The camp is located at the base of the Mátra, in Mátrafüred. The classes, extra-curricular activities are housed by a forest warden school, whose college offers accommodation.
Naturally the camp is not solely about mathematics. Every year, we go hiking in the Mátra, organize sporting competitions, introduce our participants to high quality board games, try to also offer programs independent of mathematics as diverse as possible.
Participation is free of charge for the children, since we wish to insure that any talented student may participate regardless of their financial situation, given they are qualified.
The professional development of teachers also has a place among our camp traditions, which we managed to uphold in recent years. We only invite a few (8-10 people) to take part, but we wish to give them as much as possible. They have the possibility to consult their teachers before and after class and offer to help them in their work. They can also do their share of organizing extra-curricular programs or some other task of the youth-leaders.
Starting with 2013, we also provide a possibility for 11th and 12th graders to take part in a MaMuT-esque camp. This camp is in the spirit of the camp of Kisinóc.
We organize the camp of the young mathematicians of the age group, where they can delve into various mathematical areas, and engage in calm, intense problem solving to further their creativity for 4 days. Respecting the older age group’s needs, the camp leans more heavily towards mathematics, than is usual in MaMuT.
We have the resources to invite 45 students based on competition results, who work in 3 groups during the camp.
Participation for those invited is free of charge.